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Placeholder List

This is a list of all available placeholders.

A download-command may be found in the infobox located below the title of the Expansion.
Should Built into Plugin be displayed is the Expansion included in the Plugin it depends on. Should a URL be shown does it mean you have to download it manually and add it to the expansions folder yourself.


This placeholder list is provided "as-is" without any guarantee of being accurate and/or up-to-date.

Page is only updated on request. We recommend contributing to this list by making a Pull request.
Further details on how to contribute to this list or the wiki as a whole can be found on the README file of the Wiki.


Expansions listed here don't need any plugin or extra library to function properly, unless mentioned otherwise.
A majority of these Expansions are maintained by the PlaceholderAPI team and can be considered official.


papi ecloud download Advancements

More info about this expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.



papi ecloud download Animations

%animations_<tag option>Text</tag>%
%animations_<tag option=:value>Text</tag>%

Please note: When using placeholders within the animation text, you must use the bracket variant.
Use {player_name} instead of %player_name% within the <tag> </tag> tags.

Please visit the dedicated wiki for all available tags.


papi ecloud download Armor

Gives you info about your armor

Chose one value that's inside () and replace SLOT with one of the following: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots.



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Returns the ASCII Value based on input


Ex: %ascii_37% returns %


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Adds placeholders to access Attributes. (Minecraft wiki)
The expansion can be used only on 1.9+

// Available for all game versions
%attribute_player_has_<attribute>%  - whether the player has a certain attribute
%attribute_player_baseValue_<attribute>%- returns the base value of an attribute
%attribute_player_value_<attribute>%- returns the value of an attribute with all the modifiers applied

// 1.11+
%attribute_player_defaultValue_<attribute>% - returns the default value of an attribute


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Allows you to show, how many players are online on the entire network, or just on a specific server.



The idea with this expansion is that you should be able to charge dynamically, for example in the deluxe menu. For tools, weapons and armor when players need to repair their belongings. Has also added optional so you can also combine it with rank plugin if you have one.

Use decimal,to get two decimal digits.

%number_numbervalue,tool:{a placeholder from your ranking plugin}%
%number_numbervalue,decimal,tool:{a placeholder from your ranking plugin}%
%number_numbervalue,armor:{a placeholder from your ranking plugin}%
%number_numbervalue,decimal,armor:{a placeholder from your ranking plugin}%


papi ecloud download changeoutput

Allows you to change the output based on what other placeholders return.

More information can be found on the GitHub Repository

  • <options>
  • equals - match the input exactly
  • ignorecase - match the input while ignoring cases
  • ignorecolor - match the input while ignoring colour codes
  • contains - check if the match contains input
  • >= - check if the input is larger than or equal to the matcher
  • > - check if the input is larger than the matcher
  • <= - check if the input is less than or equal to the matcher
  • < - check if the input is less than the matcher
  • <input> - this is your text that you wish to replace
  • <match> - this is the text we will be looking for to meet the conditions
  • <output-if-matched> - if the input meets the condition, this text will be displayed
  • <output-if-not-matched> - if the input does not meet the condition, this text will be displayed instead

All arguments can be replaced with other placeholders, wrapped in {}


papi ecloud download CheckItem

Allows you to check the inventory of a player for a certain item.

%checkitem_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>%- Returns if user has the item
%checkitem_amount_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Returns amount of items the user has
%checkitem_remove_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Removes the items from the players inventory - Can be used with amount, it just has to be after. (Ex. %checkitem_amount_remove_<...>%) Please becareful   as it does REMOVE ITEMS FOR GOOD
%checkitem_give_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>%   - Gives the player items. Returns true if successful, returns the number of items NOT given if unsuccessful. (When unsuccessful items can still begiven,   it just might not be all of them)
%checkitem_getinfo:<slot>_<modifier1>,<modifier2>,<...>% - Returns information about an item in a slot. Returns information in the same order listed on this wiki. List is seperated via " &r" (Ex.  %checkitem_getinfo:0_mat:)

- mainhand and offhand work in getinfo:<slot>
- give and remove placeholders are DISABLED by default for security purposes. See PlaceholderAPI config.yml file to enable.

You can combine different modifiers to check for different values.
Available modifiers are:

  • namecontains:<text>
    Checks if the item's display name contains <text>* ** ~
  • namestartswith:<text>
    Checks if the item's display name starts with <text>* ** ~
  • nameequals:<text>
    Checks if the item's display name equals <text>* ** ^ ~
  • mat:<material>
    Checks if the item is <material> (For example: STONE) ^ ~
  • amt:<number>
    Checks if the player has <number> of items ^ ~
  • data:<number>
    Checks if the item has data <number> (Example: Red wool has 14 as data (WOOL:14)).
    This is only for 1.12 and older! ^ ~
  • custommodeldata:<number>
    Checks if the item has CustomModelData <number>
    This is only for 1.14 and newer! ^ ~
  • lorecontains:<text>
    Checks if the item's lore contains <text> ~
    Combined with getinfo you can specify a number for <text> and the specific lore line will be returned*
  • loreequals:<text>
    Checks if the item's lore equals <text> Lines are separated by | ^ ~
    Combined with getinfo you can specify a number for <text> and the specific lore line will be returned
  • matcontains:<text>
    Checks if the item's material contains <text>*
  • enchantments:<enchantment=lvl>;<enchantment>
    Checks if the item's enchantments contains <enchantment> with an optional =level
    Uses vanilla minecraft enchantment names ^ ~
  • enchanted
    Checks if the item is enchanted (with anything) ~
  • potiontype:<potiontype>
    Checks if the item has the potiontype (Click here for potion types) ^ ~
  • potionextended:<boolean>
    Checks if a potion is extended ^ ~
  • potionupgraded:<boolean>
    Checks if a potion is upgraded ^ ~
  • strict
    Requires mat: modifier. Strictly checks the name and lore for an item. (If a Stone named Test is in your inventory, and you're using %checkitem_mat:stone,strict%, it will return false)
  • inhand
    Check if the item is in the player's hand. inhand will check both hands. You can add :main or :off to specify. (Ex: inhand:main)
  • inslot:<number>
    Check if the item is in a specific slot (Click here for valid slots)
  • nbtstrings:<key>=<value>;<key>=<value>
    Checks if the item's nbtStrings contains <key> with the value of <value>. * ^ ~
  • nbtints:<key>=<value>;<key>=<value>
    Checks if the item's nbtInts contains <key> with the value of <value>. * ^ ~

For nbt data you can use compounds by putting .. inside your string Example (%checkitem_nbtstrings:PublicBukkitValues..executableitems:ei-id=Free_Money%) ^


  • * means case-sensitive
  • ** means only one can be used
  • ^ means that the modifier supports the give placeholder
  • ~ means that the modifier works with the getinfo placeholder
  • To use Commas in strings you must escape them using \ (Ex: loreequals:Milk\, Eggs\, Bread)
  • Placeholders are supported, but they need to be in brackets! (Ex: %player_name% would be {player_name}


papi ecloud download CooldownBar

More info about this expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.

%cooldownbar_{essentials_kit_time_until_available_tools}_p:&aâ– _i:&eâ– _r:&7â– _l:5_c:100_rdy:&aReadytoclaim!%


More info about this expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.

<> is required.

%enchantment_list%  # a list of enchantments on the item a player is holding (separated by ',')
%enchantment_listLF%  # a list of enchantments on the item a player is holding (separated by '\n')
%enchantment_roman_list%  # a list of enchantments on the item a player is holding (separated by ',')
%enchantment_roman_listLF%  # a list of enchantments on the item a player is holding (separated by '\n')
%enchantment_<enchantment_name>_level% # a level of the specified enchantment on the item a player is holding
%enchantment_<enchantment_name>_total% # a total level (sum) of the specified enchantment on the item a player is holding and wearing.


papi ecloud download Formatter

More info about this expansion can be found on the Codeberg-Repository.

[] is optional and <> is required.
Use {{u}} for underscores and {{prc}} for percent symbols.

%formatter_number_time_<timeunit>_<number>% # Handles number as <timeunit>



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More info about this expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.




Due to potential security issues is this expansion currently unverified. Use at your own risk.

Gives you a way, to use javascript, to give a different output, depending on conditions.

%javascript_<your placeholder identifier>%


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Lists players with a certain permission or in a certain world... 'nuf said.



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Please read the SimpleDateFormat Javadoc page about possible formats and this post about available time zone IDs for <TimeZoneID>.


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Allows simple and advanced mathematical equations.
Any placeholder that returns a number is supported (Use {placeholder} instead of %placeholder%)

Supports all calculations you can do with EvalEx. Note that the % can't be used within the placeholder and that you have to use [prc] instead.

More info on Codeberg


MVdW Placeholders

papi ecloud download MVdW

Lets you use placeholders from MVdWPlaceholderAPI.
MVdWPlaceholderAPI and one of Maxims plugins, that use it, are required!
A list of his placeholders can be found here

%mvdw_<placeholder without {}>%



Due to possible security concerns is this expansion currently unverified. Use at your own risk.


<key> is a set query that can be found in the config.yml under plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansion/MySQL.


Built into Plugin



More info about this expansion can be found on the PAPI-NumberFormatter.

For instance:

if %tokenenchant_token_long% returns 43535709321,
%nf_4X_tokenenchant_token_long% will return 43B,
%nf_###E0X_tokenenchant_token_long% will return 43.5B,
%nf_#,##0.#tokenenchant_token_long% will return 43,535,709,321
#,##0.0#:IT_tokenenchant_token_long% will return 43.535.709.321.0

[] is optional and <> is required.

%nf_<format>[:locale]_<other_placeholder>% # Converts a number produced by %other_placeholder% to a number using the specified format.


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Lets you get placeholders for other players. (Not the one that triggers the action)



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Lets you parse any placeholder for the closest player. Will return blank if no player is found.

%parsenear_<placeholder_without_percent_signs>%  # Parses placeholder for closest player
%parsenear_<radius>_<placeholder_without_percent_signs>% # Parses placeholder for closest player in a radius


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Lets you parse any placeholder for another player.
You must use the unsafe placeholder to parse placeholders for username or uuid.
Make sure to include the {} brackets, as it won't work without them.



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Lets you ping a server through an IP or domain (with port), to check the online-status and to receive some information.
The placeholders have a "warmup" time of around one or two minutes after installing the expansion.

Note: These placeholders have a separate update-delay in the config.yml of PlaceholderAPI

Replace with your own server/IP. and do the exact same thing.


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Gives you various placeholders for the player, that triggers the action.



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More info about this expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.

Create a list in PAPI's config and retrieve it through placeholders!



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Returns information about the specified plugin.

%plugin_isenabled_<plugin name>%
%plugin_isdisabled_<plugin name>%
%plugin_exists_<plugin name>%


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More info about this expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.

%progress_bar_{placeholder}_c:<completed Symbol>%
%progress_bar_{placeholder}_p:<progress Symbol>%
%progress_bar_{placeholder}_r:<remaining Symbol>%
%progress_bar_{placeholder}_l:<max length>%
%progress_bar_{placeholder}_m:<max value>%

# Example
%progress_bar_{placeholder}_c:&aâ– _p:&eâ– _r:&7â– _l:10_m:100_fullbar:&aCompleted!%


papi ecloud download RainbowColor

More info about the expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.

%RainbowColor_custom_<Color 1>,<Color 2>,<etc>_<Text>%

e.g. %RainbowColor_custom_a,f,e,b_This is an example%


papi ecloud download RandomColor

More info about the expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.



More info about the expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.

It returns an auto-scaled random number. If you did not specify the scale, the scale will be automatically computed. If both min and max are integer numbers, the returned random number will also be an integer.



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Same like the BungeeCord-placeholders, but for RedisBungee



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More info about the expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.



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More info about the expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.



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Get info from a scoreboard objective.

More info about the expansion can be found on the Spigot Page



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Lets you get information about the server.

e.g. %server_countdown_dd.MM.yyyy_01.01.2020%

<time> is the date and time for the countdown. It needs to match the <SimpleDateTime>

Please read the SimpleDateFormat Javadoc page about possible formats.


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Allows to parse large amounts of text, including placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.
Please visit the GitHub Repository for details and usage.



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Plays a sound, when parsed.

# Player who triggered it

# All players


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Note: Clicking is supported in left click only



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Supports all statistics in SpigotAPI. %statistic_<StatisticType>%

For specific blocks, items, entities, ...

# Blocks, items, entities, ...
%statistic_use_item:<Item Material>%
%statistic_break_item:<Item Material>%
%statistic_craft_item:<Item Material>%

# Other statistics


papi ecloud download String

More info about the expansion can be found on the GitHub-Repository.


Supports placeholders using brackets: {placeholder}




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%unicode_<hex value>%

Example: %unicode_1000% would show က


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For the totalbalance placeholder, you must have a service provider plugin (eg. EssentialsX) to work.



Expansions listed here require the linked resource (plugin) to work properly.

Most of the listed Expansions are NOT made and maintained by the PlaceholderAPI team.
Please see #510 for a list of all expansions officially maintained by the PlaceholderAPI team.


Built into Plugin


Available <check> values:

  • criticals
  • fastbow
  • fastuse
  • fightspeed
  • hitbox
  • killaura
  • regen
  • derp
  • move
  • nofall
  • phase
  • timer
  • badpackets
  • fastbreak
  • fastplace
  • interact


Built into Plugin


All information about these placeholders can be found here.


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Built into Plugin


Advanced Abilities

Built into Plugin


Advanced Achievements

Built into Plugin

Global achievement placeholders:

%aach_achievements% - Return the total unlocked achievements (number)
%aach_achievements_percentage% - Return the total unlocked achievements (%)
%aach_total_achievements% - Return the total achievements (number)
Normal achievement placeholders for individual player statistics:
Multiple Achievement Placeholders for individual player statistics:
%aach_places_[blockname]% - example: %aach_places_dirt%
%aach_breaks_[blockname]% - example: %aach_breaks_stone%
%aach_kills_[entityname]% - example: %aach_kills_zombie%
%aach_targetsshot_[targetname]% - example: %aach_targetsshot_zombie%
%aach_crafts_[itemname]% - example: %aach_crafts_bread%
%aach_breeding_[entityname]% - example: %aach_breeding_pig%
%aach_playercommands_[command]% - example: %aach_playercommands_aach list%
%aach_custom_[customname]% - example: %aach_custom_votes%
%aach_jobsreborn_[job]% - example: %aach_jobsreborn_hunter%
Placeholders for total category achievements:


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

For more info, visit the wiki of the plugin.



Built into Plugin

Description of placeholders



Built into Plugin

Description of placeholders



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%angelchest_activechests% - Number of active chests a player has
%angelchest_price% - Amount of money needed to spawn the AngelChest
%angelchest_price_teleport% - Amount of money needed to teleport to the AngelChest
%angelchest_price_fetch% - Amount of money needed to teleport the AngelChest to yourself
%angelchest_price_open% - Amount of money needed to open the AngelChest
%angelchest_enabled% - returns "true" or "false" whether this player has AngelChest enabled
%angelchest_isactive_<ID>% - Returns "true" when the player has an AngelChest with this ID, otherwise "false"
%angelchest_time_<ID>% - Remaining time for this AngelChest. Returns an empty String if no AngelChest with this ID exists.
%angelchest_x_<ID>% - X coordinate of this AngelChest. Returns an empty String if no AngelChest with this ID exists.
%angelchest_y_<ID>% - Y coordinate of this AngelChest. Returns an empty String if no AngelChest with this ID exists.
%angelchest_z_<ID>% - Z coordinate of this AngelChest. Returns an empty String if no AngelChest with this ID exists.
%angelchest_world_<ID>% - World name of this AngelChest. Returns an empty String if no AngelChest with this ID exists.

Animated Menu

Built into Plugin





Built into Plugin

%acl_tagged% : compat tag status (True | False) 
%acl_remaining% : remaining seconds.
%acl_tagged_time% : how many senconds ago this player was tagged.


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%aparkour_ct% - Shows current time in seconds
%aparkour_ctf% - Shows current time formatted
%aparkour_lt_<parkourID>% - Shows specified parkour last time
%aparkour_ltf_<parkourID>% - Shows specified last time formatted
%aparkour_bt_<parkourID>% - Shows specified parkour best time
%aparkour_btf_<parkourID>% - Shows specified parkour best time formatted


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

Find examples of how the placeholders can be used on signs and scoreboards.

%bquests% - (formatted, multiline) list of a players quests
%bquests_detail% - (formatted, multiline) list of a players quests and rewards
%bquests_count% - Amount of quests a player has
%bquests_<index>% - Formatted quest at the given index
%bquests_<index>_title% - Title of the quest at the given index
%bquests_<index>_progress% - Progress of the quest at the given index
%bquests_<index>_left% - Amount of (actions) left to complete the quest at the given index
%bquests_<index>_<linenumber>% - Title of a given quest split into 4 lines that fit on a sign.
%bquests_<index>_reward_<linenumber>% - Reward of a given quest split into 2 lines. Handy for Scoreboards


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

# Player

# Statistics

# Other placeholders


Built into Plugin

Check out BentoBox placeholders docs for more placeholders.

Replace [gamemode] with one of the following options:

  • acidisland
  • bskyblock
  • caveblock
  • skygrid
  • aoneblock

# Level Add-on


Built into Plugin

Please refer to the official documentation for more info.



Built into Plugin

Please check the wiki for more info.



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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin





Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


ChatColor+ Premium

Built into Plugin




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%chatreaction_wins% - Chat reaction wins (Requires MySQL)
%chatreaction_wins_<playername>% - Chat reactions wins for a certain player (Requires MySQL)
%chatreaction_top_player_<placement>% - Returns the player at the placement inputted from the leaderboard (Requires MySQL)
%chatreaction_top_wins_<placement>% - Returns the amount of wins a player has at that placement (Requires MySQL)
%chatreaction_type% - Type of reaction (Reaction or Scramble)
%chatreaction_active_round% - Is a round currently active
%chatreaction_display_word% - The scrambled word
%chatreaction_reaction_word% - The actual solution word
%chatreaction_start_time% - Time when the round started
%chatreaction_latest_winner% - Last recorded winner
%chatreaction_start_time_in_seconds% - Returns the time (in seconds) since the chat reaction started
%chatreaction_time_remaining% - returns the time (in seconds) when the chat reaction event will expire


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%clans_land_status% - Get the relation status with the current claim youre in
%clans_land_chunk_map_line#% - Get relative claim map data in placeholder form replacing # with a number 1-5 for a 5x5 grid.
%clans_clan_name% - Get the name of the clan of the player
%clans_clan_description% - Get the description of the clan of the player
%clans_clan_color% - Get the color of the clan of the player
%clans_clan_pvp_mode% - Get the pvp mode of the clan of the player
%clans_clan_balance% - Get the money balance of the clan of the player
%clans_clan_power% - Get the amount of power points the clan of the player has.
%clans_clan_top_slot_#% - Get the name of the clan within the specified placement replacing # with the desired ranking.
%clans_clan_top_slot_#_power% - Get the name of the clan within the specified placement based on clan power replacing # with the desired ranking.
%clans_clan_top_slot_#_color% - Get the name of the clan within the specified placement but colored with their clan color repalcing # with the desired ranking.
%clans_clan_war_active% - Get the current active arena status of the player.
%clans_clan_war_score% - Get the current arena score of the clan for the player.
%clans_clan_war_hours% - Get how long the players clan has been at battle in the current arena.
%clans_clan_war_minutes% - Get how long the players clan has been at battle in the current arena.
%clans_clan_war_seconds% - Get how long the players clan has been at battle in the current arena.
%clans_clan_members_online% - Get the count of online clan members for the player
%clans_member_rank% - Get the name of the rank the player currently resides in within their clan
%clans_member_rank_short% - Get the symbol for the rank the player currently resides in within their clan.
%clans_member_bio% - Get the players bio for their clan.
%clans_raidshield_status% - Get the current raidshield status

Clans-API for Spigot/Clan tag in chat

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%coordinatetool_file% : a region file of the chunk you're currently standing
%coordiantetool_chunk% : current chunk
%coordiantetool_min_chunk% : minmumchunk
%coordiantetool_max_chunk% : maximumchunk
%coordiantetool_min_block% : minimumblock
%coordiantetool_max_block% : maximumblock

Country on Join

Built into Plugin



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  • _@<number> Return <currency> times <number>. I.e. %craftconomy_currency_@10% returns 100 for 10 currency
  • _@int Return the number as Integer instead of double. Useful for plugins like DeluxeMenus that require an integer.

Built into Plugin




Built into Plugin


Custom Advancements

Built into Plugin

%customadvancements_available_advancements% - Displays the number of available advancements for the player
%customadvancements_available_advancements_<tree>% - Displays the number of available advancements for a specific advancement tree
%customadvancements_completed_advancements% - Displays the number of completed advancements.
%customadvancements_completed_advancements_<tree>% - Displays the number of completed advancements for a specific advancement tree.
%customadvancements_active_advancements% - Displays the number of active advancements.
%customadvancements_active_advancements_<tree>% - Displays the number of active advancements for a specific advancement tree.
%customadvancements_progress_percentage_<path>% - Displays the progression in percentages for a specific path (e.g. example.advancement1).
%customadvancements_progress_<path>% - Displays the progress made for a specific advancement path.
%customadvancements_max_progress_<path>% - Displays the maximum progress for a specific advancement path.
%customadvancements_meet_requirements_<path>% - Displays either true or false depending if the player meets all requirements for a specific advancement path.

Custom Items

Built into Plugin


Daily Rewards

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

  • StatsType: kills, deaths, combatlogs, points.
  • Rank: A number between 1 to the pull limit.
  • Group: The servergroup.


Built into Plugin

  • Key: The key of the meta you want to check
    If the given key has a different data type, an error will occur.
  • Default Value: The value returned if nothing is found.


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%denizen_<denizen-tag>% (EX: %denizen_<player.flag[MyFlag]>% )


Built into Plugin

Placeholders information can be found on Github



Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders on the DiscordSRV Wiki.


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Donations Holograms

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


Replace <n> with a number from 1 to whatever.


Built into Plugin


Economy Bank

Built into Plugin


Enjin & DonationCraft 2.x

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Built into Plugin

%entityclearer_remaining_minutes_<world>% | The time in minutes until the next clear task is run in the world
%entityclearer_remaining_seconds_<world>% | The time in seconds until the next clear task is run in the world
%entityclearer_remaining_seconds_left_<world>% | The time in seconds until the next clear task is run in the world, minus the time the minutes placeholder already accounted for


Built into Plugin

%entitycontrol_limit_for_<bukkit_entityname>% : returns the maximum number of <bukkit_entityname> in the region where you're standing


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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This expansion works with both Essentials and EssentialsX (Second one is recommended).



Built into Plugin



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Factions MCore

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Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders on the FactionsUUID Wiki.

Factions relation placeholders

Built into Plugin



These placeholders work with FactionsUUID and MCore all you need is downloading the expansion of the plugin you're using. if you're using these placeholders in DeluxeChat you need to enable this option "relation_placeholders_enabled: true" you can find that in the config.


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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%gemseconomy_balance_<currency plural or singular>%
%gemseconomy_balance_<currency plural or singular>_formatted%


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Built into Plugin


Head Database

Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

Get information about your players from Honeypot. Please refer to the Wiki for more detailed information.



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the HyacinthHello wiki.


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Built into Plugin


Island Border

Built into Plugin

Supports ASkyBlock, BentoBox, uSkyBlock and AcidIsland.



Built into Plugin

Supports ASkyBlock.



Built into Plugin


Jobs Reborn

Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders on the KingdomsX wiki.


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Built into Plugin

A Description of the placeholders can be found on the Lands Wiki.

# General

# Land

# Nation

# War

# Top Lands




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Built into Plugin

More info about these placeholders can be found here.



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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders on the LuckPerms wiki.


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Marcely's Bedwars

Built into Plugin

All placeholders generally support async access as well. You may also find an official list on the MBedwars Wiki.

These are available for each arena, with <arena> being the name of it:


These depend on the arena in which the player is currently playing within:


These are the total stats of the player. APIs are able to add their own ones, with their general format being %mbedwars_stats-<id>%. The ones that MBedwars provides are the following:


These are the stats of the current match of which the player is a part of. APIs are able to add their own ones, with their general format being %mbedwars_gamestats-<id>%. The ones that MBedwars provides are the following:


These display the amount of players per mode. You may add own modes using the players-in-mode-placeholders config:


Miscellaneous placeholders:



Built into Plugin


Marriage (reloaded)

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Built into Plugin


# Supported with multiple partners enabled


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%mcjobs_(original jobname)_name%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_has%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_rank%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_level%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_exp%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_exptolvlup%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_nextlvlexp%
%mcjobs_(original jobname)_language%


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%mobhunting_rank% (Only updated when leaderboards is updated)
%mobhunting_total_kills%  (Number of killed mobs (for the player))
%mobhunting_total_cash%   (The amount of money dropped on the ground)
%mobhunting_dropped_rewards%  (Number of rewards left on the ground)
%mobhunting_dropped_money%(Amount of money left on the ground)
%mobhunting_balance%  (The amount of money in BagOfGold, in the player inventory)


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


Nameless Plugin

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


You can find more information on the Wiki.


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Built into Plugin

%ob_top_(number)_name%  (1 - 10)
%ob_top_(number)_lvl%   (1 - 10)


Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

Description and usage for placeholders

%opeconomy_money_<player_name>% - Gets custom player money
%opeconomy_money% - Gets money
%opeconomy_baltop_number_<number>% - Gets player's name
%opeconomy_baltop_player_position_<player_name>% - Gets player's position
%opeconomy_baltop_player_position% - Getting position of player
%opeconomy_currency% - Shows active currency
%opeconomy_is_active_code_<code>% - Boolean, if code is active
%opeconomy_max_uses_code_<code>% - Shows max uses for code
%opeconomy_uses_code_<code>% - Shows uses for code
%opeconomy_reward_code_<code>% - Shows reward for entering code


Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders on the OreAnnouncer Wiki.


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


Paintball Battle

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


Parkour Maker

Built into Plugin


Replace <map_name> with name of the map you wish to get time for.
Replace <player_name> with name of the player you wish to display time for.
Replace <position> with number that coresponds to the position you want to display.


Built into Plugin


Replace <AttractionID> with the ID of your attraction. Replace <Position> with the ridecount position. Replace [Type] with the top type. Supported values: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, TOTAL


Built into Plugin


Party and Friends

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

The plugin provides placeholders for statistics stored in the plugin for players and the server.

Check Plan Wiki for the placeholders list.


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For more information and usage examples, see the PlayerStatsExpansion GitHub.



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin




Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


<server> is the name of the server it should show the player count of.


Built into Plugin

Each placeholder has a shorter alias, which follows the primary placeholder below.

Prison uses PlaceholderAPI to support any plugin placeholders within the GUI Ranks Lore and the GUI Mine Lore.

Prison Placeholder Attributes:

Prison supports Placeholder Attributes which allows an infinite way to customize most placeholders, such as numeric formatting, hex colors, and reductions. Can customize any bar-graph for character codes, colors, and size.

Simple examples using placeholder attributes with the results following each example. Colors are not shown.

654.32 k
638.99 KB
PLAYER placeholders (110, 55 aliases)

PLAYER placeholders are used directly with a player, such as with player chat prefixes and scoreboards.

Rank related placeholders apply to all ranks that a player may have, and may return more than one value. Use the LADDER placeholders to control the order that is displayed. Rank based placeholder can return zero, one, or more rank related values depending upon how many ladders the player is on.

LADDERS placeholders (32, 16 aliases)

Must be used directly with a player, and returns the information related to their active rank on the specified ladder.

Use the ladder name, all lowercase, in place of <laddername>, and it will return zero or one rank related values.

RANKS placeholders (22, 11 aliases)

RANKS placeholders deal directly with specific rank information.

Use the rank name in place of <rankname>, and may return zero or one value.

RANKPLAYERS placeholders (12, 6 aliases)

RANKPLAYERS placeholders are used with players and shows what their adjusted costs are for the specified rank. These placeholders are ideal for showing a player how much each rank will cost using their personal rank cost multipliers.

Use the rank name in place of <rankname>, and may return zero or one value.

MINES placeholders (32, 16 aliases)

MINES placeholder provides stats for the given mine.

Use the mine name in place of <minename>, and may return zero or one value.



Note: The placeholders %prison_top_mine_block_line_header_<minename>% and %prison_top_mine_block_line_totals_<minename>% are used with the STATSMINES placeholders and provide the headers and total details for the given mines.

MINEPLAYERS placeholders (32, 16 aliases)

MINEPLAYERS placeholders are tied to a player and dynamically shows the details of the mine the player is in, or blanks when not in a mine. These are ideal for use in scoreboards or chat prefixes.

Must be used with a player.


PLAYERBLOCKS placeholders (4, 2 aliases)

PLAYERBLOCKS placeholders are tied to a player, but through the mines modules. The placeholders that are supported are one for each block type that is defined in all mines.

Must be used with a player. The use of <blockname> is the name of the block as provided with the command /mines block search help, but all lowercase and any ":" should use "-" instead. These placeholders will return a value of 0 or more. If the block name is invalid it will return a blank.

Examples: prison_player_total_blocks__cobblestone prison_player_total_blocks__customitems-compressedcobblestone

STATSMINES placeholders (14, 7 aliases)

The STATSMINES placeholders represents the blocks that in the specified mine. The value nnn should be replaced with a number starting with a 1, or 001 and refers to one block. The "line placeholder is composed of the other placeholders and can simplify the use of these placeholders. See the headers and footer totals within the MINES placeholders.

Use the mine name in place of <minename>, and may return zero or one value. Invalid values for _nnn_ will return blanks.

STATSRANKS placeholders (6, 3 aliases)

The STATSRANKS placeholders represents the top-n players for a given rank. The value nnn should be replaced with a number starting with a 1, or 001 and refers to a given player.

Use the mine name in place of <rankname>, and may return zero or one value. Invalid values for _nnn_ will return blanks.



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# Mine-specific placeholders
%prisonmines_blocks_mined_<mine name>%
%prisonmines_percent_mined_<mine name>%
%prisonmines_percent_left_<mine name>%
%prisonmines_time_until_reset_<mine name>%
%prisonmines_has_timed_reset_<mine name>%
%prisonmines_has_percentage_reset_<mine name>%

# Player specific placeholders (Use Mine at the player's location)


Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

%proquests_progress_bar_<quest identifier>%
%proquests_progress_<quest identifier>%
%proquests_total_<quest identifier>%


Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the ProtectionStones Wiki.


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

For a description of the placeholders please read the PvPManager Wiki


PVP Stats

Built into Plugin


PvPStats Plugin

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

%questcreator_status_[model id]%
%questcreator_completion_[model id]%
%questcreator_cooldownmillis_[model id]%
%questcreator_cooldown_[model id]%
%questcreator_lastcompletionmillis_[model id]%
%questcreator_lastcompletion_[model id]%
%questcreator_variable_[variable name]%


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RecentFind (Treasures Add-on)

Built into Plugin

1 is most recent, 2 is second most, 3 third most, etc.


Built into Plugin

%rvp_arenaplayers_count_< arena >%
%rvp_arena_status_< arena >%


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

%redprotect_player_region_names_leader_<world name>%
%redprotect_player_region_names_admin_<world name>%
%redprotect_player_region_names_member_<world name>%
%redprotect_region_flag_value_<flag name>%


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


<name> is the name you configured in the config.yml of this plugin.
Read More


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%sack_name% : the name of the sack you're holding.
%sack_slots% : the number of slots available for the sack you're holding.
%sack_num_of_sacks% : the number of sacks the palyer currently has in its inventory.
%sack_empty_slots% : the number of empty slots in the sack you're holding.
%sack_filled_slots% : the number of slots, which have some items.
%sack_total_slots% : the total number of slots for all sacks in your inventory.
%sack_total_item_count% : the total number of items held in all sacks in your inventory.


Built into Plugin


Replace [world] with the name of a loaded world.
Placeholders ending in a [world] will retrieve information from the specified world instead of the player's current world.


Built into Plugin


Built into Plugin

%sl_[variable name]%

Replace [variable name] with the name of the signlink variable.


Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the SimpleClans Wiki.


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Simple Suffix

Built into Plugin



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The following placeholders are the same as above but instead of specifying the skillName, you can specify a number from 1 to pretty much infinity (amount of skills a player has) which will show the information related to the players 1st, 2nd, 3rd skill and so on...



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%skript_<variable name>%


Built into Plugin


SkyWars X

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

# Deprecated in old versions

# Tested on version (5.4.2)


Built into Plugin

%soul_balance% : balance of souls you gathered.
%soul_togal_gather% : the amount of soul you can currently gether based on armors/weapons you currently have.
%soul_gather% : the amount of souls you can gather with the item in your hand.
%soul_gather_amount% : the base amount of souls you can gather with the item in your hand.
%soul_gather_rate% : the base rate of souls you can gather with the item in your hand.
%soul_capacity% : the amount of souls you can hold.


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Built into Plugin


Staff Facilities

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All placeholders are listed here:


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Streaming Drops

Built into Plugin


StrikePractice 2

Built into Plugin


# Per Player/Event placeholders
%strikepractice_cooldown _(tag)%



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%subservers_proxy.type(<Proxy>)_{Master Proxy, Proxy}%
%subservers_proxy.subdata(<Proxy>)_{Connected, Disconnected}%

%subservers_host.available(<Host>)_{Available, Unavailable}%
%subservers_host.enabled(<Host>)_{Enabled, Disabled}%
%subservers_host.creator.template.displayname(<Host>, <Template>)%
%subservers_host.creator.template.enabled(<Host>, <Template>)_{Enabled, Disabled}%
%subservers_host.creator.template.type(<Host>, <Template>)%
%subservers_host.creator.template.requiresversion(<Host>, <Template>)_{Optional, Required}%
%subservers_host.creator.template.updatable(<Host>, <Template>)_{Updatable, Not Updatable}%
%subservers_host.subdata(<Host>)_{Connected, Unsupported, Disconnected}%

%subservers_server.type(<Server>)_{Subserver, Server}%
%subservers_server.restricted(<Server>)_{Public, Private}%
%subservers_server.hidden(<Server>)_{Visible, Hidden}%
%subservers_server.subdata(<Server>)_{Connected, Disconnected}%

%subservers_subserver.available(<Subserver>)_{Available, Unavailable}%
%subservers_subserver.enabled(<Subserver>)_{Enabled, Disabled}%
%subservers_subserver.editable(<Subserver>)_{Editable, Locked}%<Subserver>)%
%subservers_subserver.template.enabled(<Subserver>)_{Enabled, Disabled}%
%subservers_subserver.template.requiresversion(<Subserver>)_{Optional, Required}%
%subservers_subserver.template.updatable(<Subserver>)_{Updatable, Not Updatable}%
%subservers_subserver.logging(<Subserver>)_{Logging, Muted}%
%subservers_subserver.running(<Subserver>)_{Running, Offline}%<Subserver>)_{Online, Starting, Offline}%
%subservers_subserver.temporary(<Subserver>)_{Permanent, Temporary}%
%subservers_subserver.restricted(<Subserver>)_{Public, Private}%
%subservers_subserver.hidden(<Subserver>)_{Visible, Hidden}%
%subservers_subserver.subdata(<Subserver>)_{Connected, Disconnected}%


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


The Time

Built into Plugin



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Replace <AttractionID> with the ID of your attraction. Replace <Position> with the ridecount position. Replace [Type] with the top type. Supported values: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, TOTAL


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Built into Plugin


Timed Rewards

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


Time Tokens

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

If you add _long to the cost related placeholder, it will returne a number without comma/decimal point.

%tokenenchant_tokens% : Returns the token balance as a double. For formatting, use NumberFormat placeholder %nf_%.
%tokenenchant_token% : Deprecated. (use %tokenenchant_tokens%)
%tokenenchant_token_long% : Deprecated. (use %tokenenchant_tokens%) 
%tokenenchant_token_num% : Deprecated. (use %tokenenchant_tokens%)
%tokenenchant_token_num_long% : Deprecated. (use %tokenenchant_tokens%)
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_affordablelevel% : the maximum level the player can afford based on the the item holding and his/her token balance.
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_affordablecost% : the cost to reach the affordable enchantment level based on the item holding and his/her token balance.
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_cost% : cost to increment the enchantmnt level by one from the current level
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_costmax% : cost to increment the enchantmnt level to its maax one from the current level 
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_cost_<X>% : cost to increment the enchantmnt level by <X> from the current level
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_fullcostmax% : cost to enchant the max level from 0 level
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_fullcost_<X>% : cost to enchant the <X> level from 0 level
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_playermax% : the max enchant level for the player - based on the permission.
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_fullrefund_long% : Deprecated. (For formatting, use NumberFormat placeholder %nf_%.) 
%tokenenchnat_<enchantment>_refund_Y_long% : Deprecated. (For formatting, use NumberFormat placeholder %nf_%.) 
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_occurrence_<X>% : the activation chance (in %) for the <enchatnment> at the level <X>.  If <X> == 0, chance of the current level will be returned.
%tokenenchant_repair_cost_long% : Deprecated. (For formatting, use NumberFormat placeholder %nf_%.) 
%tokenenchant_repair_cost_num_long% : Deprecated. (For formatting, use NumberFormat placeholder %nf_%.) 
%tokenenchant_baltop_<X>_name% : The name of X-th baltop player
%tokenenchant_baltop_<X>_balance% : The balance of X-th baltop player
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_allowed% : true if a palyer's item can have <enchantment>, otherwise false
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_permission_node% : returns the permission node for the <enchantment>
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_has_permission% : true if a player has a permission node for <enchantment>, otherwise false
%tokenenchant_<enchantment>_conflict_list% : returns a list of conflicting enchantments


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the Towny wiki.


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin

%treasures_keys_<treasure name>%
%treasures_canbuy_treasure_<treasure name>-<config file>%
%treasures_treasure_price_<treasure name>-<config file>%

Trey's Double Jump

Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin


Two Factor Authentication

Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

%uchat_placeholder_<some uchat placeholder>%
%uchat_tag_<uchat tag name>%

*Add rel_ before placeholder and tag to support relational placeholder


Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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Ultra Economy

Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the Ultra Economy Wiki.

Ultra Motd

Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the Ultra Motd Wiki.

Ultra Permissions

Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the Ultra Permissions Wiki.

Ultra Punishments

Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the Ultra Punishments Wiki.

Ultra Regions

Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders in the Ultra Regions Wiki.


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# Economy placeholders

# Permission/Group placeholders


Built into Plugin



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Built into Plugin

%vkbackpack_bpname% : The name of the backpack the player is currently holding
%vkbackpack_bpslots% : The number of slots of the backpack the player is currently holding.
%vkbackpack_maxbp% : The maximum number of backpacks a player can have.


Built into Plugin

You can find an up-to-date list of placeholders on the VoteParty wiki.


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Built into Plugin



Built into Plugin



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%worldguard_<Any WG Placeholder>_<Priority (Lowest number = Highest priority)>%
%worldguard_<Any WG Placeholder>:<World>,<X>,<Y>,<Z>%


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